Saturday, 29 October 2011

Grasshoppers, filmnights, sunbathing and work

By the pool
Since the last time I wrote I have been busy with a lot of things. On Wednesday last week Sara-Jeanette and I went sunbathing by the pool for a long time after school. The pool is by the way still empty ... But the paint has come and I think someone has started to paint it, so hopefully it won’t be long before we can hang out there again. 

On Thursday last week we had bible studies together with some of the other Norwegians here. And on Friday the boys had borrowed a projector and invited some friends and all the Norwegian youth here. We watched “Les Miserables” and ate a lot of something called “Makkala” in the local language Fulani. It is fried dough of some kind and tastes really delicious. Especially when it’s fresh! 
The brown balls are Makkala, very tasty!

That Saturday we went to visit Helene and Erling and got Taco for supper. It was great; though it’s not the same as in Norway it was still really good! Sunday went by with some homework and choir practice.

The French course was a big part of my everyday life here until last week, since it was the last of the "two week intensive course" with four hours a day. This week we have started working in some of the places we are going to work at for the next six months. And it has been really interesting! On Tuesdays we will usually have self study days, but this week and maybe some weeks further on we will continue on with French courses until we have completed 80 hours of it. 

On Monday we had the opportunity to sit down and draw the dresses we want to get sewn for us. It was fun to draw again and to design our own dresses! We went with Sandra to the tailor and she helped us with explaining the way we wanted our dresses to be sewn and what we wanted them to look like.
Designing the dress

On Wednesday we went to the Centre Socio Ménager. It is a small school with 51 students. We are trying to organise how we are going to arrange the classes between me and Sara-Jeanette and how to make it fit so that all the girls have one class with Informatics (computer study) and two classes with English in one week. It was quite a puzzle! As there are only 5 computers and 20 students in one group and 31 in the other, so we sat and arranged the timetable so that it would all fit together.
On Thursday we went to work at the church office for one of the pastors there. We helped him type some speeches into a computer. The hours went by quite fast and as we sat there we wondered if the speech we had just copied was the same as the one we heard when we were in church two weeks earlier when we did not understand much.

The grasshopper that hid in our sink

As it is close to the end of the rain season there are many bugs around here that get in to the house. Especially grasshoppers!!
The boys have hundreds of them in their apartment through out the day! But we girls are lucky because we are careful to close all windows and doors when it gets dark. So there are only about twenty inside here... But now it has been dry for two days and the grasshoppers gather in thick groups to get in through the door! And when we go out we have to use a broom to get them away. The creatures are a bit disgusting, but they are also fascinating in their own way. I found one in our sink in the kitchen and as it walked around on the counter I managed to take some nice pictures of it.

Amazing how close I could get to it before it moved!

We also have a lizard living in the tree right outside the house. I saw it some time ago and stood really close to it when I took some of the pictures, amazing how it didn’t run away from me! 

Can't wait to start to work some more! It is going to be great adventure!

Johanne Teresie

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The first week in Africa

This is going to be a long post about my first week here in Africa. So if you don't want to read it all, there's a light in the end of the tunnel: I will write a short summery on the end for you.

The first few days here in Ngaoundéré went by quite quietly. On the first Saturday we looked around at the station together with the "one-year-volunteers" and we also went to some shops in town where they have some European groceries. That comes in handy when we feel a bit homesick :) In the evening Sara-Jeanette and me went over to Runar and Kristian, who live in the same house as us, just in an other apartment. We watched a film and ate some chips that the boys made themselves.

As it was election time here in Cameroon everything was a bit out of the ordinary that first weekend we were here, at least that is what we were told.. We couldn't really see any changes now, could we? Since we came two days before the election... The Sunday was therefore spent inside the Missionary Station, playing volleyball together with the boys next door and with some of their African friends.

Our teacher and the classroom in  L'ecole Norvegienne

Monday one week ago was the first day we had french class. Our teacher is a former Hald student who lived in Norway three years ago. (It took a while before I figured that he knows my sister who attended Hald at the same time...) After school we went to visit Bernard, a friend of the boys here, and we were served Couscous. This was the first time I tasted it and we ate it like the Cameroonians do; with our hands. In the evening we got a visit from some girls who we played cards with. The communication was a bit poor as we struggled with french and the understanding of the English was not so good at their part either. But it was really nice to have someone over and to feel like we were welcome here.

Me eating Couscous

Tuesday we started school at one o'clock, right after diner. It was a bit hard, because we were working hard to understand all the grammar rules and I was really tired after I ate so much food.. Not used to having four hours of school after diner..But it went alright. In the evening we went to the College Protestant where the Gospel Singers are practicing. It lasted for three hours.
Not so bad you think? Well imagine trying to dance and sing in a language you don't understand for the whole time without any breaks..But it was a lot of fun!! We had to introduce ourselves on the end but it wasn't so bad, Sara-Jeanette did most of the talking..

Wedesnday went by quite fast, we were in school and tried to speak some french, it helps a lot! We had a visit from a girl after sunbathing by the empty pool. And when she was here we managed to speak with her quite alot in french!
After she went home Sara-Jeanette and me watched Merlin and had a good supper, our cook always makes something good for us!

On Thursday we got a visit from a deaf boy and we learnt how to say our names and some words in signlanguage.  It was fun! And we actually remembered some of it afterwords! We're maybe going to work in the spesialised school for deaf pupils so this might be useful to remember too...

The second weekend here in Cameroon was great! Friday was spent on visits to a friend of the boys where we got to taste some good Cameroonian food again and joining in on leading the Sports Club for the kids at the station.
This Saturday we went in to town together with two other norwegians to buy some material for new Cameroonian dresses that we want to get sewn for us!

The rest of that day went by while we were trying to read some corriculum and write some updates on the blogs and being interupted every other hour by someone who was at the door selling stuff.

"When you hear a knock on the door for the umteenth time the same day, it is difficult to be polite to the person who is there to sell something to you"... From the frontdoor: "Knock, knock!"

Inside the Millenium Church
In the early morning on Sunday Sara-Jeanette, Runar, Kristian and me attended the Sundayservice at the Millenium Church. It was a bit boring as we did not understand much. And it lasted for three hours!!! When one and a half hour had passed by the Bishop still hadn't preached! But they had a lot of songs and many of them were in english so at least we understood that.
We went to eat diner at a resturant in town with the boys. And in the afternoon Sara-Jeanette and I went to visit a girl called Lora. We looked at some pictures of her and her familiy (that's normal here, to show your visitors photos of your family and friends) and sat and talked in her room for a long time.We were also served some fishtales which were kooked whole. It tasted really good! But I'm not sure my stomach thought so.. 

For this monday we had some homework. We had to write a text in french which we went through in class. We were then supposed to say it by heart and try to keep up a conversation on french about what we had written.
I have never been this good in speaking french and it feels great!! After school and diner we went to the College Protestant and joined a volleyball team practice. It was fun, and it felt good to come out and do something with other girls and to get some new friends!

College Protestant

The summary:
I have this past week attended an intensive frech course; our teacher is a former student at Hald, and is really nice and good at teaching.
We have gotten a lot of visitors here throughout the week. Some who stayed to play cards and others to teach us a little bit of signlanguage. We might be working in the Specialised School for Deaf Pupils.
We have eaten our first Cameroonian meal, Couscous, which we ate with our fingers. It was good, especially the sauce!
We have also been to the first choir practice with the Gospel Singers. It was difficult as the songs were in french, pere and english. And as if that wasn't enough, we had to dance too! But it was fun! Even though we were standing all the time and it lasted for three hours.
Sara-Jeanette and I have bought our first material for some Cameroonian dresses. And we have been to church on Sunday that lasted for three hours! And another choir practice.
Monday afternoon we attended a volleyball team practice, it was fun and we got to know some more girls and got more friends.

I'm looking forward to the next week. I have not been able to post often because my computer has been almost broken, and when it has worked, the internett has not.
But now this is finaly out there and I can blog a bit more often, as the rainseason is almost over and the internett is more stable than before.

Johanne Teresie

Saturday, 15 October 2011

The journey to apartment nr. 15

On Wednesday the 5th of October I left home at 3:30 am together with my parents to drive to Kjevik airport outside of Kristiansand. Saying goodbye to them for the last time in six months, was not as hard as it was the last time I travelled by myself to stay somewhere else for this long. So when I had finally checked inn my two suitcases and got to the gate, that’s when I realised that I am actually going to Africa!!

The flight to Amsterdam went all right; I managed to find my way to the gate quite easily and boarded the next plane pretty satisfied.  In Paris I met Sara-Jeanette and we travelled together on the last flight. The flight from Paris to Yaoundé lasted for five hours. I managed to watch two films while Sara-Jeanette was sleeping.

Sara-Jeanette and me at the airport in Paris

At the airport in Yaoundé we were met by our contact person Amos and drove to a hotel there. It was so hot when we got here but after a while we got a little used to it. The day after Amos showed us around in the capital of Cameroon, and we bought new phones and sim-cards. We also visited the Norwegian Consulate before we went to catch the train to Ngaoundéré. 

The train journey was very interesting; we stopped after one minute and found out that there was a problem with the train... We started again with a jolt and continued on our way with a lot of noise, jerks and bumping. The random stops continued throughout the trip and it took us 14 hours before we were at the station in Ngaoundéré on the 8th of October. 

Women and children selling food through the trainwindows
It is astonishing how the African people can carry very heavy things on their heads! I have thought about it before when I have seen it on pictures and films, but WOW! When we came to the train station here, the carrier we used, took TWO suitcases on his head. And they were both about 24 kilos! 

We were met by the missionaries and driven to the Mission Station here. We were served breakfast at the Bischler family’s house, and were showed to our apartment.
Here we met the two NMS “one-year-volunteers” Runar and Kristian, they live in the apartment next to us.

Apartment nr. 15

The first day here in Ngaoundéré has been great! We have met allot of people and seen a lot of different things! We joined in on leading the Sports club for the youngsters here at the station. And we have eaten a good dinner and had a chance to pack out most of our things after we had chosen which bedroom we wanted. I am looking forward to seeing more of the town here and living together with Sara-Jeanette :)

I have a feeling this is going to be a great year!

Johanne Teresie

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Preparing for takeoff

It's officially just a few days left until all the Norwegian students are off to their destination countries!

The last six weeks we have had lessons in Cross cultural communication and other subjects that they teach on the fall course at Hald Internasjonale Senter in Mandal.
These weeks have been so great, I have gotten to know some really awesome and amazing people from so many different parts of the world! The group of students at Hald this year have become such great friends and were sad to leave eachother last week, even though we are all going on a new adventure, and will be back to see everyone again in six months.

The last week at Hald I have spent reading the last of the curriculum books borrowed from the school library, playing games with other students, arranging last minute meetings with teachers, printing out important stuff for the trip and sleeping in the living room /peisestue together with other students.
Now I am preparing to say goodbye to my dear family and friends in Norway before I take off from Kjevik airport at Wednesday morning. The first flight is to Amsterdam, where I am transferring to a flight to Paris. There I'll meet Sara-Jeanette who I am going to spend the next six months with in Cameroon!
I am really exited about going, but a bit nervous that the language barrier will be quite big in the beginning. But I hope that this will improve after some time and that the internship will be unforgettable!
I will try to post regularily on this blog, but I haven't been that good at it before so this is a new try :) So please be patient :)
More news and pictures about my trip will come!

Johanne Teresie